Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fukuoku 9000 Compact Vibrator

Fukuoku 9000 compact vibrator
buy now

The Fukuoku 9000 is the hottest new vibrator sensation of recent years. This small, candy-colored vibe packs powerful vibration into a small package that slips over the tip of a finger, like a vibrating thimble or a sexy decoder ring. It has a strong buzz, is fairly quiet, and doesn't take any effort to hold. The Fukuoku 9000 runs on a watch battery, which means it's a very self-contained toy—no tired limbs or messy cords to contend with!

You can use just one at a time, or put one Fukuoku on each finger and turn your hand into a vibrating powerhouse. This tiny vibe can be easily incorporated into partner sex. Wherever you use your fingers to caress your lover, the Fukuoku adds vibration to the mix. Some popular ways to use the Fukuoku:

  • Give your lover a vibrating hand job.
  • During intercourse positions, reach down and buzz your clitoris.
  • Turn on sensitive nipples with a vibrating pinch.
  • If you like manual masturbation but need an extra buzz, the Fukuoku combines the best of skin-on-skin contact with a vibrator's power.
  • Show your partner how you like to be touched using a Fukuoku 9000.
  • Add vibration to your next massage by slipping one or more Fukuokus over your fingers.

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