Saturday, March 17, 2007

Female Masturbation, Including Tips, Techniques and Ejaculation

Books like "Tickle Your Fancy" by Sadie Allison offer tips and insight into clitoral, vaginal and anal stimulation
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Female masturbation is shrouded in much more mystery than male masturbation. Because women's genitals are more hidden than men's, and because women are typically taught to be ashamed or embarrassed of them, many women don't learn until they are older that female masturbation is a healthy and sexually liberating part of any woman's sex life. It's an ideal way to learn about your body's sexual responses, so that you can become more sexually confident and a better lover. Try Babeland's favorite female masturbation tips:

  • Get turned on! Explore your erotic mind by reading sexy fiction, watching explicit movies or writing a fantasy of your own.
  • Use your hands first. Although there are various female masturbation techniques, most women learn to orgasm by manual stimulation of the clitoris. Take two fingers and explore the parts of your sexual anatomy, paying close attention to what feels good. Roll your clitoris under your fingers and try different pressure and rhythm.
  • Add a vibrator. Whether you have a favorite masturbation technique or you can't get over the top, try adding a clit vibrator for a change. You may be surprised at how quickly you can come or how intense the orgasm can be. You can also experiment with G-spot vibrators and butt toys if you like.
  • Don't be afraid to move, rock, grunt, scream, and cry during sex. You are seeking total release, so get used to reactions you might have when you lose control. Be silly! Be loud! Let yourself go.

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