Saturday, March 17, 2007

Condoms at Babeland

Try 11 popular condoms in this Condom Sampler Kit
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Condoms are barriers typically used during sexual intercourse for contraceptive purposes or as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Male condoms are designed to fit over the penis, while the female condom is inserted vaginally. Condoms are usually made of thin rubber, latex, polyurethane or sheepskin.

Condoms are one of the most effective contraceptives on the market, but condom failure has more to do with misuse than with a faulty product. When putting the condom on your penis, make sure to add a drop of lubricant to the tip of the condom and the penis for a more comfortable ride. Pinch the air out of the tip before rolling it down the shaft, then make sure to hold on to the condom when you withdraw to avoid spillage. Don't use old or brittle condoms, and check to make sure the condom hasn't passed its expiration date.

Condoms are a great safe sex accessory: cut one open and it doubles as a dental dam during oral sex, slip one over a sex toy that you'll be sharing between partners (changing the condom between uses), or use one on a porous sex toy so it's easier to clean up.

Babeland carries a selection of quality condoms for all sizes and sensitivities, including flavored condoms or textured condoms, as well as styles like the Pleasure Plus and the InSpiral, which increase sensitivity.

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