Saturday, March 17, 2007

Female Condom: Babeland's Advice on Using them

Female condoms are available online and in our stores
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The female condom, which goes by the brand name Reality Condom, is designed to be worn by women during penetration. It can be put on ahead of time, and is intended to give women the opportunity to use condoms. The female condom has a small, flexible ring on the closed end, designed to cover the cervix, and a larger ring that remains on the outside of the receiver's body. Reality condoms don't sheath the penis tightly, so a little more attention is required beyond just putting it on correctly. Make sure the cock goes inside the ring, and doesn't slide in next to the condom. Take care when thrusting to stay inside the female condom.

Construction is of heavy duty polyurethane, an alternative to latex which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Some men find that the loose fit increases their sensitivity as opposed to traditional skin-tight male condoms. It can also be used during anal sex, just remove the inner ring and make sure the outer ring stays outside the body.

Purchase or read more about the female condom.

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