Saturday, March 17, 2007

Female Ejaculation and the G-spot

Firm G-spot stimulation with a curved toy like a Crystal Wand can lead to female ejaculationbuy now

Many women expel fluid from their vaginas as a result of G-spot stimulation. This is commonly referred to as "female ejaculation," and is perfectly normal, despite the fear many women harbor that female ejaculate is urine, which it is not. Female ejaculate comes out of the Skene's glands and is similar to the prostatic fluid in men. The amount expelled during female ejaculation is usually no more than a teaspoon or two.

Babeland's tips for enjoying female ejaculation:

  • Curved fingers or toys with a bend near the tip are the best shape to stimulate the G-Spot (curve two fingers and insert them into your vagina, moving them in a "come hither" way).
  • Apply firm direct pressure using your toy or fingers.
  • Squeeze your PC muscles and breathe deeply during thrusting.
  • Empty your bladder before sex, so you're not worried that the female ejaculate is actually pee.
  • Add clitoral stimulation if you like the extra push into orgasm.
  • Objects in the vagina may inhibit female ejaculation. Withdraw the penis, dildo or fingers quickly as you are about to come.
Some great G spot toys are the Nubby G and the Crystal Wand.

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